Agriculture PolicyBriefingDecember 28, 2016Weather was Favourable for Agriculture in 2016 but Policies were Not By admin Monsoons were favourable for agriculture after two years of deficient rainfall, but policies to…Read more 0 0 Share
BriefingDecember 24, 2016Write-off Crop Loans, Else Farmers Must Renege For Demonetisation Loss, says Ajay Vir Jakhar of Bharat Krishak Samaj By admin Farmers will perhaps not have cheer celebrate their ‘messiah’ Chaudhary Charan Singh’s…Read more 0 0 Share
BriefingDecember 21, 2016The Woolly-headedness of Vandana Shiva's Eco-feminism By admin “Once you peel back the layers of her thought, you find that she is a vicious opponent of…Read more 0 0 Share
BriefingDecember 18, 2016Demonetisation: Farmers are Dumping Vegetables at Delhi's Azadpur Mandi at Slump Prices By admin At Azadpur fruit and vegetable mandi in Delhi, officially designated as a “market of national…Read more 0 0 Share
Bt cottonDecember 15, 2016Do Not Need Monsanto, CICR Can Do It, Maharashtra Minister Announces in Assembly By admin According to The Hindu, State Agriculture Minister Pandurang Fundkar said the decision was taken…Read more 0 0 Share
Agriculture PolicyDecember 14, 2016Value and Volume of Trades in Karnataka e-Mandis Fell by a Third in the First Week Post Demonetisation By admin Trading in almost all of Karnataka’s commodity mandis went online after the state adopted…Read more 0 0 Share
Agriculture PolicyBriefingDecember 13, 2016Agriculture Ministry Sows Confusion on Import Duty Rates, Might Provoke Farmer-Voter Ire By admin The ministry had estimated the 2015-16 wheat harvest at 93.50 million tonnes, up from 86.53 million…Read more 0 0 Share
Agriculture PolicyBriefingDecember 11, 2016From Rs 60 Lakh Disbursal to Rs 2 Lakh a Day: Cooperatives Struggle with Demonetisation in Sirsi By admin Reserve Bank Deputy Governor S S Gandhi said at the terse 7 December, post-monetary policy press…Read more 0 0 Share
Agriculture PolicyDecember 7, 2016Debating Digital Agriculture in the Time of Demonetisation By admin Even as the fall in arrivals at mandis and setback to winter season planting exposed rural India’s…Read more 0 0 Share