Agriculture PolicyMarch 13, 2024Raising MSP to Levels Demanded By Protesting Farmers Will Feed Inflation, Cause Shift in Cropping Patterns, Two Economists Say By vivian fernandes If minimum support prices (MSP) were to be 50 percent above comprehensive or C2 cost, as the…Read more 0 0 0 Share
BriefingOctober 11, 2021Indian Agriculture Needs a Carbon Market to Reduce Emissions By vivian fernandes In an article in the Indian Express, agricultural economist Ashok Gulati and ICRIER researcher Purvi…Read more 1 0 Share
Agriculture PolicyBriefingFebruary 3, 2021Budget 2021-22 Disappoints by Not Making Allocation for Diversification from Wheat and Rice in Punjab, Haryana By vivian fernandes There hasn’t been a big increase in the share of wheat or rice procured by the previous or present…Read more 0 0 Share
BriefingDecember 7, 2020Punjab Needs a Rs 10,000 cr High-Value Crop Diversification Package over Five Years, says Ag Economist By vivian fernandes Agricultural economist Ashok Gulati, who was Chairman of the Commission on Agricultural Costs and…Read more 0 0 0 Share
Agri-biotechnologyAgriculture PolicyJuly 20, 2020Govt is the Biggest Bottleneck to Achieving Self-Reliance in Seeds and Fertiliser: Ashok Gulati By vivian fernandes Agricultural economist Ashok Gulati sounds like a washing machine on perpetual spin in his in the…Read more 0 0 0 Share
Agriculture PolicyBriefingFebruary 17, 2020Actual Food Subsidy for this Year will Raise the Fiscal Deficit from Revised Estimate of 3.75% of GDP to 4.95% By vivian fernandes The budget documents say that the food subsidy for 2019-20 was revised down by Rs 75,532 cr from the…Read more 0 0 0 Share
Agriculture PolicyBriefingJuly 23, 2018Its Former Chairman, Ashok Gulati, Lights into CACP for Ignoring its Mandate on MSPs By vivian fernandes The Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) has “toed the government line,” ignoring…Read more 0 0 0 Share
Agri-biotechnologyAgriculture PolicyBriefingJuly 10, 2018Cooking Oil Self-Sufficiency Can't be Achieved by Revisiting High Tariffs of the Late 1980s By vivian fernandes Import duties on cooking oil have been raised four times since last August. But without productivity…Read more 0 0 0 Share
BriefingDecember 5, 2017Pick up Vajpayee's Initiative and Revive Agri-Commmodity Futures, Ashok Gulati tells Modi Govt By admin Prices of most kharif crops have crashed below their support prices. This is because of rear-view…Read more 0 0 0 Share
Agriculture PolicyBriefingSeptember 27, 2017Ashok Gulati Declines to Join Yet Another Committee; Says Govt Must Act on Previous Reports By admin Agricultural economist Ashok Gulati has taken a bold stand and declined to become part of yet…Read more 0 0 0 Share