Agriculture PolicyApril 16, 2024Congress Manifesto Should Have Promised Income Support to Smallholder Farmers Rather than Legal Backing for MSP By vivian fernandes This article by Vivian Fernandes in The Congress Party’s promise to farmers in its…Read more 0 0 2 Share
Agriculture PolicyMarch 16, 2024MSP Can Cover Comprehensive Cost, but Margin Cannot be 50 Percent, Say C Rangarajan and S Mahendra Dev By vivian fernandes In the context of farmers demanding minimum support prices (MSP) as a legal guarantee, economists C…Read more 0 0 0 Share
Bt technologyFebruary 15, 2024Smallholder Farmers Need Minimum Income Assurance; MSP as Legal Guarantee is Not the Way to Do It By vivian fernandes Farmers face weather and price risks. In irrigated Punjab, the weather risk is substantially…Read more 0 0 0 Share
Agriculture PolicyBriefingJuly 9, 2018MSP Raises Alone Will Not Sustain Higher Farm Incomes Unless Yields Improve and Costs Fall By vivian fernandes The government’s MSP policy ignores the importance of enhancing productivity to reduce costs…Read more 0 0 0 Share