Agriculture PolicyJune 14, 2023El Nino, Linked to Weak Monsoons, Has Emerged, Says US Weather Agency: The Fallout By vivian fernandes El Nino, expected since the beginning of the year and linked to weak monsoons in India, has emerged…Read more 0 0 0 Share
Agriculture PolicyJune 9, 2023Onus on States to Reform Agri-Marketing Laws after Centre's Repeal: Ramesh Chand By vivian fernandes NITI Aayog Member Ramesh Chand brings intellectual acuity to policy making because of his training…Read more 0 0 0 Share
Agriculture PolicyFebruary 25, 2023Odisha Wants Millets Consumed as Staples to Create Demand for the Output it is Targetting By vivian fernandes This story based on an interview with Vivian Fernandes was published in on 22…Read more 0 0 0 Share
BriefingJune 21, 2022Why Rising Temperature is Causing Long, Dry Periods and Short Spells of Downpour During Monsoons By vivian fernandes Why is rain not evenly distributed through the season and why are there long, dry spells and a few…Read more 0 0 0 Share
BriefingOctober 11, 2021Indian Agriculture Needs a Carbon Market to Reduce Emissions By vivian fernandes In an article in the Indian Express, agricultural economist Ashok Gulati and ICRIER researcher Purvi…Read more 1 0 Share
BriefingJune 21, 2020Three-tiered Forests of Bamboo and Shrubs with Broad-Leaf Trees Along the Yamuna can Scrub Air to Preserve Lockdown's Gains By vivian fernandes Air quality improved across Indian cities during the lockdown, especially in Delhi. While the…Read more 0 0 0 Share
Agriculture PolicyJanuary 30, 2018Climate Change-Induced Loss per Median Farm Household Rs 3,600 a Year: Economic Survey By vivian fernandes But the CEA self-censors himself: No mention of genetic modification technology to cope with…Read more 0 0 0 Share
BriefingAugust 4, 2016115 Districts Highly Vulnerable to Climate Change, says Study By admin As floods ravage eastern and northern India, agriculture in 115 districts across 15 states is…Read more 0 0 Share
Agriculture PolicyBriefingAugust 28, 2015Why the Concept of 'Negawatts' Should Apply to Wasted Food By admin India grows twenty eight percent of the world’s bananas and is the top producing nation in the…Read more 0 0 0 Share
Voices From The FieldJune 14, 2015What do Farmers Say About Insurance? By admin Sandipan Suman at a neighbour’s house in Nayanagar. Sandipan Suman, 47, of village Nayanagar…Read more 0 0 0 Share