Agriculture PolicyBt technologyAugust 3, 2024Indian Express Welcomes Collaboration Between RiceTec and Mahyco for Climate-Smart Rice-Wheat Cultivation By vivian fernandes The Indian Express in an editorial in the 2 August edition, welcomes the collaboration between…Read more 0 0 0 Share
Agri-biotechnologyAgriculture PolicyBt technologyJune 16, 2022Why Govt Must Set up Biotechnology Regulator, House it in Department of Biotechnology By vivian fernandes In an article in Economic Times Prime, Bhagirath Chaudhary and C D Mayee say the government should…Read more 0 0 0 Share
Agri-biotechnologyGM CropsSeptember 18, 2020Why GEAC's Nod to Beej Sheetal for Safety Trials on Bt Brinjal will End up Confounding the Company and Farmers By vivian fernandes The GEAC has allowed Beej (or Bejo) Sheetal to do BRL-II bio-safety trials on Bt brinjal. But Vivian…Read more 0 0 0 Share
Agri-biotechnologyBriefingJuly 27, 2017Mahyco Founder Badrinarayan Barwale will be Remembered for Bt Cotton, Participatory Seed Production By admin Badrinarayan Ramulal Barwale, the founder of Mahyco or Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Company passed away…Read more 0 0 0 Share
BriefingJanuary 27, 2017Genetic Engineering is Not a Practical Technology for Crop Plants: Pushpa M Bhargava By admin VF: You are a biotechnologist. Why are you opposed to genetic engineering of crop plants? PMB…Read more 0 0 Share
Agri-biotechnologyMarch 10, 2016Mahyco, Arcadia Pleased with Salt-tolerant Rice Trials, Move to Next Phase By admin Even as the government is shilly-shallying on GM mustard and making life hard for Monsanto…Read more 0 0 0 Share