Bt technologyDecember 6, 2022Dear Hon'ble Supreme Court, Here Are Some Compelling Reasons for Permitting GM Mustard By vivian fernandes What’s the compelling reason for release of GM mustard, the Supreme Court asked the Attorney…Read more 0 0 0 Share
Agri-biotechnologyBiodiversityBriefingOctober 4, 2022Sex Scent Mating Disruption Effective in Checking Pink Bollworm Infestation in Cotton, Say Two Proponents By vivian fernandes Female sex scent dispensers can disrupt the mating behaviour of pink bollworm moths, greatly reduce…Read more 0 0 0 Share
Agriculture PolicyBriefingBt cottonOctober 4, 2017State Officials Claim Ignorance, Say Centre Must Take Action After SABC Reports "Rampant" Cultivation of Illegal Herbicide-Tolerant Bt Cotton By admin The Delhi-based South Asia Biotechnology Centre (SABC) has found evidence of cultivation of illegal…Read more 0 0 0 Share
Agri-biotechnologyBriefingMay 6, 2017Worldwide Area under GM Crops Rebounds in 2016, But Tad Less than in 2014 By admin Area under genetically-modified (GM) crops increased by 5.4 million hectares (mha) in 2016 to 181.1…Read more 0 0 0 Share
Agriculture PolicyBriefingNovember 27, 2016Mechanical Cotton Picking Must be Driven in "Mission Mode," Says CIRCOT Director Patil By admin Farmers, seed companies, ginners, spinners, agri-machinery manufacturers and the government must…Read more 0 0 Share
Agri-biotechnologySeptember 27, 2016GM Mustard Will Not Affect Honey Bees, says SABC Quoting Study, Experts By admin Pollen of genetically-engineered mustard will not affect honey bees. On the contrary, it is likely…Read more 0 0 Share
Agri-biotechnologyAgriculture PolicySeptember 19, 2016Environment Ministry Refutes Anti-GM Mustard Activists; Supporters Mount Email Campaign By admin With genetically-engineered mustard reaching the last stage of the regulatory approval process…Read more 0 0 Share
Agri-biotechnologyBriefingGM CropsHybridsAugust 22, 2016SABC's Letter To GEAC Urging Approval of GM Mustard Hybrid DMH-11 By admin Dear Chairperson GEAC After extensive discussion with the scientific community and key stakeholders…Read more 0 0 Share
BriefingBt cottonOctober 30, 2015Hybrid Seed Production Creates Plenty of Jobs By admin Irrespective of crops, hybrid seeds are more expensive than open pollinated varieties (OPVs).Read more 0 0 0 Share