Agri-biotechnologyBriefingBt cottonOctober 2, 2016Whitefly Incidence This Year Was High Initially, But Controlled Quickly: PAU V-C Dhillon By admin After last year’s devastating attack of whitefly on cotton in Punjab, are farmers shifting out of…Read more 0 0 Share
Agriculture PolicyGM CropsJanuary 15, 2016M S Swaminathan Unedited on Genetically-Modified Crop Technology By admin “The history of genetic modification goes back to 1953 when Watson, Crick and Wilkins…Read more 0 0 0 Share
Agri-biotechnologyAgriculture PolicyBt cottonCottonGM CropsNovember 2, 2015NBRI Says Crafted Whitefly-resistant Transgenic Cotton; Potency Needs Testing in Natural Conditions By admin The National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) has developed genetically modified cotton resistant…Read more 0 0 0 Share